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tamoadmin 2024-06-12 人已围观

简介1.请问,那位有关于球星的英文介绍,下周我们演讲要用歌曲名:广播道Fan Club事件歌手:软硬天师专辑:Special<广播道fans事件>软硬天师我歌神疯魔几百万人 呼风唤雨叱咤风云领导乐坛要靠晒你地 无左你地我地会死疑幻疑真既英文字 ABCDEFG你的名字叫做FANSFANS FANS 我地支持你黎张刘郭巨都钟意 上劲歌我曲去EYT吹亲BB就系FANS 逢SHOW必到有早无迟乱打



歌曲名:广播道Fan Club事件





我歌神疯魔几百万人 呼风唤雨叱咤风云

领导乐坛要靠晒你地 无左你地我地会死

疑幻疑真既英文字 ABCDEFG



黎张刘郭巨都钟意 上劲歌我曲去EYT

吹亲BB就系FANS 逢SHOW必到有早无迟

乱打拍子 表示支持 万人大合唱世界KEY

黑色BANNER亲反光字 永远爱你我地支持你

莹光漆笔 傻瓜机 签名要签正响大脾

撞到SECU即刻做戏 冒充娱记

话呢话路 系后台离 见到偶像成个弹起

软硬天师我支持你 三个FANS一齐黎

哗! 陆家俊我地支持你

阿! 郑梓浩我地支持你

喂! 蔡兴麟我地支持你 ABCD继续支持

喂! 梁雁翎我地支持你

喂! 黎明诗我地支持你

阿! 何婉盈我地支持你


各位FANS揸住BB 占领红馆镇压IP

守住门口二十四小时 D秘密通道巨无所不知

勤力过PR非常准时 晨早六点栋系唱片公司

墙上刻字地下写诗 有起事黎会震碎玻璃

见偶像架车一转出路口 巨就跑出马路做长跑好手

跳高拍手仲擘大口 摊系路中心扭两扭


披头散发又成身汗臭 面青口唇白都唔识得呕


赖碧芬我地支持你 关蔼恩我地支持你


黎婉雯 我地支持你 MO MO KO 我地支持你

冼金凤 我地支持你


上台献花你娶左我啦 强行索吻都几好架

炒到我电话 知我CALL机号码

半夜三更讲声你好吗 扑系我楼下摊系我花架


对住我同我嘻嘻哈哈 拧转背拆蟹雕大花

FANS系我地既食粮 买我只碟又买我幅相

柱趸式中锋 次次捧场 来来去去得个几个样

陈李黄何欧阳林葛张 欢乐今宵 请鼓掌

真真假假气氛幻象 FANS偶像齐齐大合唱

LOEN学友 我地支持你 AARON华仔我地支持你

忆莲SALLY我地支持你 BEYOND草蜢我地支持你


各位FANS我地支持你 软硬天师.....

style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">请问,那位有关于球星的英文介绍,下周我们演讲要用

西门子(皇马),菲利普(PSV埃因霍温),必赢(AC米兰,不莱梅),AIG(曼联),Fly Emirates(阿森纳),倍耐力(国米),TOYOYA(瓦伦西亚),三星(切尔西),unicef(巴萨),Carlsberg(利物浦),NOVOTEL(里昂)


He's bright,young,exciting and...gifted.His mother named him Raul Gonzalez Blanco but,as the back of his shirt proclaims, we can just call him Raul. Fame and glory are doubleedged swords. The burden of expectations can often be crushing. Each time Raul, seen as the saviour, steps on to the football field for Spain, he's got to fire.


He wears Spain's No.7 but is his country's centre-forward, undisputed star, and a goal-scoring machine who could just, if his current form continues, be the man to deliver a World Cup to the Iberian peninsula。


When Raul was just a little boy, he no doubt asked his mother what would he be.Would he be handsome? Would he be rich? His father told Rual Gonzalez Blanco that he would be a jugador and that one day, if he were fortunate, he would play football for Atletico Madrid.


Raul was "the best 13-year-old player in the world" when he signed for Atletico. Madrid born and bred, his family were ardent Atletico fans. Raul scored 65 goals in his first year as part of the Atletico Madrid.


But enforced radical financial measures taken by Atletico president Jesus Gily Gil meant the youth team had to be disbanded. Raul was cut free. He started to take the bus to the Bernabeu.


Raul and Real were made for each other. Under Argentine Jorge Valdano, Raul made his Real debut at 17 years and four months, a club record. He had a poor game. Valdano dropped him for the next one. Raul rallied. "Look, do you want to win this game? Well, pick me." He scored, against Atletico.

劳尔和皇马可谓是相得益彰的天生一对,在阿根廷人约戈*巴尔达诺的调教下,他在十七岁零四个月时初次登场参加正式比赛,创下了俱乐部的记录。那场比赛他表现糟糕,巴尔达诺打算接下来的那场比赛让他坐冷板凳。重整旗鼓的劳尔对教练说:“你们想要赢得这场比赛吗?那好,让我上场吧。” 他在与马德里竞技的比赛中破门得分了。

Valdano noticed this raw teenager and gave Raul a nickname-Finidor. Raul has finished off since.


Raul's record for Real Madrid and Spain belies his youth. Over the past six years he has helped Real Madrid to Spainish league titles in 1997 and 2001 and three Champions League wins in 1998, 2000, and 2002.


Raul knows his Real history. He is woven into the club's very fabric. Real without Raul are somehow not quite Real. He carries great responsibility on his slender shouders, but long ago this 25-year-old learned to cope with all that pressure.


It's like Brazil. When your fans have been used to you winning everything they expect you to go on and do so. When you play for Real you mature in football terms much more quickly than anywhere else.


But the polish in his Real Madrid trophy cabint has not rubbed off on Spain's international performances. Although LaLiga is widely acknowledged as the world's best domesticcompetition, Spain's best World Cup performance came 52 years ago in Brazil when it reached the-then equivalent of the semi-finals before being beaten 6-1 by the host.


Central to Spain's success is its current unity but this has not always been so. Spain's rifts are not caused by pay disputes or racial divides, but what it means to be Spanish.


Raul made his debut with Real Madrid at 17 after crossing the tracks from cross-town neighbour Atletico. He may be a hero but in Barcelona, the capital of the Catalonia region, there is unease about worshipping a Madridista. Raul is Mr Real Madrid, a symbol of reverence for Madrilenos who recognise his iconic status, a figure to despise if your heart lies in Camp Nou.


Rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona, based on century-old political rivalries, has regulary split the Spanish camp and is acknowledged as contributing to the country's underachievement. matches between the two teams carry extra weight for many supportes.


He has pace, positional sense, a goalscorer instinct and one hell of a work-rate that manager Vicente Del Bosque appreciates as much as anything. Everything is done with the minimum of fuss and for maximum effect. There is a hard, mental edge to Raul that can cause defenders to worry.


Guardiola has given one of the finest appraisals of Raul.


"I admire two types of player. One is the footballer who has a nose for goal, who decides games through sheer individual quality, like Rivaldo and Raul. The other type I admire is the one who plays more in the style to which I aspire. He takes on players ahd beats them when the occasion requires. He plays one-twos. He knows when and how to make the correct choice.


"I'll name Raul. That is what astonishes me about Raul. He belongs to the two categories of players I consider worthy of the name great." A pinpoint passer, Guardiola hits the right mark.

“我说的就是劳尔。那就是劳尔使我吃惊的地方。我认为称得上伟大的那两种球员,他都属于。” 一个精准的传球手——瓜迪奥拉——语中的。

Four years ago Raul was living life with such intensity that the rich boy-genius was in danger of being bombed from the team. After a poor France 98 his form continued to suffer as he spent more time hanging out in Madrid clubs with models than he did with his club.


Though Madrid is by natuer a late-night city, Raul's increasingly turbulent lifestyle and the rumours that accompanied it did not sit well with Real. He was politely told to get a steady girlfriend and settle down. Raul woke up and married Mamen Sanz, once Miss Madrid.


When whispers said that his marriage was in trouble, Raul took to kissing his wedding ring after each goal to demonstrate his love for Mamen. Of course, Raul scores so frequently that this image is one seared in the minds of many football fans.


The couple's first son, Jorge, is named after Valdano who, besides Hierro, is the other single biggest influence on Raul's rise to prominence. Valdano played for Real in the 1980s with Hugo Sanchez and Emilio Butragueno, the Vulture, two legends whom Raul is thus a direct descendent of.


Last November, Raul became a fether for the second time to a son called Hugo. "Jorge is happy to see his new, little brother," Raul said.


But it has not all been sweetness and white. Perhaps the biggest letdown of Raul's career so far was the way he was seen to let down his country at Euro 2000. In a quarter-final with France leading 2-1, a minute remaining, Spain were awarded a penalty. Raul sent it high and wide. "Nobody lets me forget it," he has bemoaned.


Raul believes that " in Madrid I have everything". Three yeears ago Real inserted a £ 115m clause in his contract to ensure he never leaves. Raul may remain of his own volition. It is hard to envisage him ever playing in another club's colours.


"I will never leave," he said. "I want to give the club ane the fans all they expect of me. I cannot describe the feeling that I have for this club. We are a great team and are recovering the history of years gone by"


We will see.


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